A sitemap is a visual representation of a website's structure and organisation. It outlines the hierarchy and relationships between different pages or sections. In UX design, a sitemap helps designers plan and optimise user flows, ensuring easy navigation and a logical structure for a user-friendly website or application.
Sitemaps are visual representations or diagrams that outline the structure, hierarchy, and navigation of a website or digital product. They provide a bird's-eye view of the website's content, pages, and their relationships to each other. Sitemaps typically consist of boxes or nodes representing individual pages, connected by lines or arrows that depict the flow of navigation. Sitemaps help designers, developers, and stakeholders understand the overall structure of the website and how different pages are interconnected. They aid in organising and categorising content, ensuring logical navigation and user-friendly experiences. Sitemaps are valuable tools for planning and communicating the website's structure, facilitating discussions around content organisation, and identifying potential gaps or redundancies in the user journey.
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