User Stories
It is easy to confuse user stories with user scenarios or use cases but the three are different. See the article from Smart Gamma to find out more about their differences. User stories are concise, user-focused descriptions of desired functionality or features within a software development or product management context. They capture the needs, goals, and motivations of the end users in a simple and understandable format. User stories typically follow the template: "As a [type of user], I want [a particular action or capability] so that [a specific benefit or outcome]." They also contain details about what should happen, driven by context and other situations: "If [context] and [additional context] when [event] then [outcome]." As a jogger I want to track the distance I jog every week so that I can have a good understanding of how much I have exercised. If I stop jogging and I stop for more than fifteen minutes, then the record of my jog should be saved as a new jog. These stories help prioritise and communicate user requirements in an accessible way, guiding the development team's understanding of what needs to be built. User stories provide a user-centric perspective, allowing teams to focus on delivering value to users and aligning product development efforts with user needs. They serve as a foundation for agile development, aiding in iterative development, and facilitating collaboration between stakeholders, designers, and developers.
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